As Corporate Director of Marketing for Point Hospitality Group, implemented branding, positioning, strategic marketing, and creative direction for this wellness-focused boutique hotel group and their new lifestyle experience brand, SPOKEN. Six properties are located across California, Arizona, and Utah, most notably the newly reimagined Flamingo Resort, the Sandman in Sonoma County, CA, and Sky Rock in Sedona, AZ.
SKY ROCK SEDONA: built new social media and digital marketing campaigns, and leveraged community partnerships to help drive the hotel to its most profitable year on record in 2021, despite the pandemic. Optimized e-commerce and contributed to reducing OTA contribution from 50% to 30% of channel production. The enhanced positioning and e-commerce success contributed to Sky Rock's profitable sale as an international travel destination within 1.5 years.

Sky Rock Front Desk

Sky Rock Achievements with Integrated, Omnichannel Marketing:
• 2021 finished $2m over rooms budget.
• 2021 finished $2m over rooms budget.
• Jan 2022: - SEM/PPC: Spent $2900 converted $44k for 15:1 ROAS (above KPI goal of 10:1)
- Metasearch: Spent $2200, converted $34k for 15:1 ROAS (above KPI goal of 10:1)
- CVR 9% (KPI of 2.2%)
- Email Marketing: 37% OR (KPI of 20%+)
- Metasearch: Spent $2200, converted $34k for 15:1 ROAS (above KPI goal of 10:1)
- CVR 9% (KPI of 2.2%)
- Email Marketing: 37% OR (KPI of 20%+)
• Feb 2022: achieved highest level of web-generated revenue on record at $537k up from $426k in Feb 2021
(39% of total revenue beating KPI of 30%)
(39% of total revenue beating KPI of 30%)
• Average Web Order Value rose from $526 in 2019 to $1100 in Feb. 2022.
• March 2022: first month on record with room revenue of $1m+

Creative Director: Sky Rock Sedona Sales Kit
Photo Credits: Paul Dyer, Skye Schuchman, Levi Holiman of Flicker Shack Photography